Now presenting the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer ... a revolutionary new orthodontic appliance that's a total game changer!
Learn more about the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer.

The Apex Revolution Spring Retainer Is A 5 Star Orthodontic Appliance.

Learn all about the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer and how it is revolutionizing the orthodontic treatment industry all over the world!

Apex Revolution Spring Retainer Advantages

Proven Results

There are countless case studies that prove that the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer is a complete game changer for the orthodontic treatment community.

Range of Activation

Do you want a versatile orthodontic appliance? Whether its minimal or major tooth movement, the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer is the right answer for you!

Offers Fast Movement

Need to move teeth in a hurry! The Apex Revolution Spring Retainer does just that … often providing millimeters of movement over the course of just a few months.

Cost Efficient Appliance

When compared to clear aligners and other orthodontic appliances, the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer can save you and your patients hundreds of dollars while providing superior treatment.

More Comfortable

Patients and doctors rave about the overall comfortable fit of the Apex Revolution Spring in comparison to traditional spring retainers. Get yours now and try it out!

Less Speech Issues

Wearers of the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer find talking with their retainer much easier due to its streamlined design and lack of facial or lingual acrylic.

Apex Revolution Spring Case Studies

Check out all these examples of how the Apex Revolution Spring Retainer aligns teeth with minimal treatment time.

Bowman Patient “JZ” – 3 Months Treatment

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Bowman Patient “RD” – 2 Months Treatment

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Bowman Patient “LL” – 3 Months Treatment Time

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Bowman Patient “AS” – 3 Months Treatment

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L Cook – 3 Months Treatment

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Bowman Patient “JC” – 3 Months Treatment

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Apex Revolution Spring Retainer ... The Perfect Alternative to Fixed Retainers
QC only KN

Apex Revolution Spring Retainer ... The Perfect Orthodontic Appliance for Teenagers



At Apex Ortho Innovations, we have a deep understanding of the mechanics of tooth movement and we apply that knowledge to provide practical, efficient solutions to orthodontics problems you face on a daily basis.  Browse our website and look at some of the solutions we have developed for common issues.

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Apex Ortho Innovations

The name speaks for itself. If an appliance has been around for years and routinely delivers predictable results, practically any lab can do the job for you. But if the appliance you are using produces an outcome that is less than predictable, or seems overly complicated, or if you just simply can’t find your “go-to” appliance for your specific orthodontic need … then Apex Ortho Innovations is here to help.

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